Blairgowrie jumps to life during the weekend which locals refer to as 'Braemar Night'. The town buzzes with hundreds of visitors stopping en route through the Grampians to see the spectacle of Highland entertainment. There is something for everyone to see including a glimpse of HM The Queen as she is a staunch admirer and visits the Gathering every year. On the Saturday evening music is to be heard all over the town and a ceilidh is organised in a local hotel for anyone who wishes to have a wee dance or just enjoy some Scottish music.
Every year we are fully booked for this event and this year I had the pleasure of two European couples staying with me - one couple from Germany and the other from Belgium. The Belgium couple had come specifically for a pop concert which took place at Glamis Castle on the Friday evening and the other couple were intent on visiting Braemar. In fact, they were so intent they had booked their tickets online 5 months ago!
The Sunday following the Braemar gathering Blairgowrie holds its own Highland Games. Another success this year by all accounts and the turnout was excellent. Again the weather was kind. All in all another pleasant weekend enchanced by the company of lovely guests. Who says doing bed and breakfast is boring? It's hard work I agree, but such times make it so worthwhile.