Sunday, 25 January 2009

Burns Night - 250th Birthday Anniversary

On 25 January 1759 Robert Burns was born.  He became known as Robbie, Rabbie or Rab but I believe, when he mixed with Edinburgh society, he introduced himself as Robbie.

He is commonly referred to as Scotland's Bard (poet).  Not only was he a poet he was a lyricist and composer.  One of his many famous songs is "My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose," a lovesong supposedly dedicated to his wife Jean Armour, but he wrote well over 300 songs and many are in regular use today. 

Burns was 'a bit of a lad' and spread his affections generously, mainly around well-heeled society ladies, who delighted in his company.  Not all his relationships were of an intimate nature, some were just sincere friendships.

There is so much excellent information on the internet about Robbie Burns I suggest, if you're interested, have a browse.

I have just returned from my second Burns Supper this week and am still enthralled by the quality of the speakers, the haggis and the music. A Burns Supper is a very special occasion and certainly one worth attending.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

The Homecoming, Scotland

Another year is with us here at Heathpark Lodge and I do hope any resolutions you made are still holding.

The main event in Scotland this year is The Homecoming which is a national celebration to mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns.  There is a spectacular programme of events all over Scotland during the year plus, of course, The Gathering which will take place in Edinburgh on 25th and 26th July.  This is a gathering of all Scottish clans and is sure to be a sell out.  For further information see The Gathering.

I know many of the guests who have booked with me this year intend to visit old haunts, famous haunts and generally go haunting.  Sounds like fun when there is so much to do in this area.  

The drop in the value of the pound is sure to encourage more to return to Scotland or even to visit for the first time.  It has been a few years now since foreign visitors felt the monetary exchange rate was reasonable.

Since new year the weather, with the exception of two days, has been just wonderful winter weather.  Sharp frosts with temperatures around 0 or slightly less overnight and beautiful sunny days with blue skies.  Of course the days are chilly too because there is no heat in the sun yet, but if you ensure you have a few layers of clothing on, then walking is a pure pleasure.