This past week I've had great pleasure enjoying the company of two couples who have visited me for many of the past 13 years. Usually both of the husbands play golf each day, but as this was the Ruby Wedding Anniversary of one couple, golf was off the agenda for once (how the wives managed that I don't know)!
One evening prior to them going out for dinner, we were all sitting talking in the sitooterie, when suddenly the Ruby Wedding wife said to her husband, "Where's your wedding ring?" Now, I'm sure the Ruby Wedding husband will forgive me if I describe him as rather a laid back sort of man, who likes an easy life. He looked at his finger and stated quite calmly, "It's not there."
As the Ruby Wedding husband had only just finished entertaining us with details of a young Dundee schoolteacher he had met the previous evening whilst outside for an after dinner smoke, (he enjoys this forbidden pleasure), the comments started to flow. "When you took it off chatting to the Dundee teacher you missed your pocket," and other similar witty remarks. Fortunately the Ruby Wedding wife took all the remarks with amusement but she was obviously upset.
The following day there was an in depth enquiry as to the Ruby Wedding husband's actions since the previous weekend when he knew he was in possession of this sentimental token of love. Several times he mentioned it had never been off his finger for 39 years, 11 months and 364 days (the actually date of the Ruby Wedding was the following day).
I then had the 'pleasure' of giving the house another spring clean in search of the missing ring. Truthfully I would never have forgiven myself if it was in the house somewhere and hadn't been found and this exercise was completely voluntary! Suffice to say, after a couple of hours work, nothing was discovered.
The following evening we were all going out for a pre-arranged celebration. During the 'winks and drinks' prior to leaving the Ruby Wedding husband took some flack about the ring again and how it would be the talk of their golf club when the word went round.
Our evening was brilliant - good food, good wine and most of all superb company. The following morning I felt a little fragile and the others were subdued but, as they were returning home, we all managed fond farewells and 'see you soon' sentiments.
I received an email from the Ruby Wedding wife two days later. When I saw the address I assumed it was a thank you for the hospitality as she is always very kind at showing her appreciation. The email was brief. 'He found his ring, inside his golf glove, inside his golf bag' .
Phew! What a relief! Seems the Dundee teacher is completely off the hook ...
(The couple in this story have approved the accuracy and say their sides are still sore from laughing)
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