Saturday, 30 March 2013

March is a strange time of year.  Too cold to be out in the garden for long, yet the planning for colour has to start now.

My latest passion is begonias, all sorts of begonias.  Last year I had trailing begonias in my hanging baskets but because of the wet weather, sadly their flowers were often knocked by the rain and wind.  Yet I don't intend to give up and this year I'm trying to bring back some tubers I saved.  Little success so far but who knows.

The sitooterie is looking like a mini-greenhouse although there's still plenty space to sit and unwind.

Yesterday I was given a present of 20 begonia tubers and how delighted I was.  They're not the hanging variety but I intend to start them off in trays of compost then transfer them to 5" pots once the shoots are around an inch or two.  They should look lovely in pots as they're a mixture of colours.

As yet I haven't thoroughly checked the garden out for any plants which didn't survive the snow.  Fortunately the heaviest snowfall wasn't around for long because the temperature rose within days and that made such a difference.  We still needed to clear the drive though because we like our guests to have as easy access and egress as possible.

Next time I write I hope I'll have been able to turn the heating down and discard the heavy jumpers!

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