Saturday, 2 February 2013

A New Year and Winter

library picture

It's too long since I posted and for that I apologise.  Early winter brought the cold virus into the house and my cold developed into pneumonia.  Three courses of antibiotics later I was back on form but I still didn't have any voice.  That had vanished when the cold started.

However, much to many people's dismay, the voice returned before Christmas and I was able to take part in the fun.

In November we had quite a fall of snow which took a couple of weeks to clear, but over the festive season the weather was pleasant and everyone was able to get out and about with no problem.

Last year was also a reasonable winter and I wonder if it's because I bought winter tyres then.  What a difference they make on icy and slushy roads.  Now I wouldn't be without then because they give me so much confidence driving in bad weather.

Part of my 'chores' this winter was to update my website and I hope to have it up online very soon.  Will let you know when it's active.

Meanwhile, rather belatedly, I wish you and yours good health and peace for 2013.

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